USPS - Social​​​​​​​
Yes, the United States Postal Service is on social media. No, they don't have a TikTok, but they're on just about everything else. My team is in charge of concepting, pitching, and producing all campaigns and content for each of their handles. Below is just a sampling of that work:
The "Mini Truck"
No post gets more likes, hearts, comments, tweets, etc. than the posts that feature this little toy replica mail truck. We dubbed it "Mini Truck" and decided to make it the unofficial mascot of USPS. 
USPS delivers to every mailbox in the nation, that's over 40k addresses a day. A few of those postal routes pass by some of the most iconic landmarks in the country. 
To show off the views those lucky postal carriers get to see on a daily basis, we took the Mini Truck on a mini road trip. 
Mail Memes
We're trying to make memes about mail a thing.
Stamp Promotions
Each year USPS releases a bunch of stamps that range from commemorating influential artists and national parks to special holidays and yes, even puppets. 
To help announce these stamps we needed fun and easy ways to promote them on social which is what you see below.
GCD: Dane Rahlf | ACD: Jess Phelan, Alejandro Rosado | CW: Johnny Constable, Emma LeMay Anna Kennedy | AD: Maddie Stevens, Kate Lee | Design: Brooke Lockerman
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